Over the years I have worked with and build up knowledge in various technologies. I believe having a broad background knowledge allows me to be flexible and adapt easily to any kind of challenge.
If you have a requirement which isn’t listed, feel free to contact me anyway. It is possible I will have some expertise to solve your problem or am interested in increasing my expertise to meet your demands. (Hours needed for this personal research will not be billed, according to my personal code of conduct)
- Agile (Using Scrum with TFS Templates)
- Test Driven Development (Using Resharper/NUnit, AAA)
- C#
- SQL (SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, Oracle)
- Ajax (jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON)
- NHibernate (Fluent NHibernate, NHibernateProfiler)
- Enterprise Library
- WiX (MSI Installers)
- MSBuild (Build Scripts, Custom Tasks, …)
- Spring.NET (Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control)
- GPG/PGP (Encryption, Signing, Programatically and Manual)
- SQL Server (Service Broker, Reporting Services, …)
- Fitnesse (Acceptance Testing Framework)
- WatiN (Automated UI Testing Framework)
- Windows Services
- Web/WCF Services
- Web Development (ASP.NET Forms / ASP.NET MVC / PHP)
- Office Development (Outlook Addins)
- Compact .NET Framework
- Performance Counters (Installing, Multiple Instances)
- Logging (Event Log, File Logging, …)
- NUnit
- Rhino Mocks
- Resharper (Regular use, Templates)
- TortoiseSVN
- Virtual PC
- Internet Information Services
- Team Foundation Server
- Subversion
- CruiseControl.Net (Continuous Integration, using TFS and MSBuild)
- Team City
- Big Visible Cruise
- WordPress
- ExpressionEngine
- MediaWiki
- DocuWiki
- Photoshop